Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do it in me - so You can do it through me!

When God began calling me to do something uncommon for Him, He began to lead me into development. I often say that "God isn't try to destroy me...He's trying to develop me". During that process, it isn't that He's unconcerned about my happiness, but He is more concerned about my holiness. He's trying to develop character in me...so I don't end up being a character in the looney tunes section.

1. Recognizing that SELF is not my focus.
  • No longer motivated and moved by my wants and desires.
  • Living for purpose and not possession.
2. Using my POSSESSIONS to accomplish His PURPOSE.
  • Using my time, talent and treasure as tools - not rewards in my hands.
3. Live a life of GIVING and not TAKING.
  • Serving - no being served.
  • Don't want to be High-Maintenance.
4. Living a life of FAITH.
  • Believing that even in the midst of contradiction and circumstantial evidence - something great can really happen!
  • Sit in peace while the world runs around in confusion.
  • Draw my conclusions from what God says - not what the world says.
5. Experiencing MIRACLES.
  • This happens only when God is control, not me.
  • Letting go of the reigns - so He can add super to my natural.
  • Learning to receive the miracles rather than predict the blessings.


  1. Russell, thank you for the thought. I agree that God often works in us so that He can work through us. Just today I was reading the verse in Daniel 11:32: "The people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and do great exploits." The key here is "the people who know their God." The motivating factor is not becoming strong and doing great exploits; the motivating factor is knowing God.

  2. pastor Hylton,
    again kudos for a great thought. We pastors sometimes think it is the church that is to serve us and take care of us, and they are in some areas. However, too many pastors have decided that they will "minister" to the equivalent to their "care" by the church. How Sad! it has come to that in many areas. We the Sheppards are to Sheppard 1st our home; but then we are to be about our father's business whether anyone appreciates it or not. We do it because of the call and not the "care".
