Thursday, February 5, 2009

Church Growth/Health

What some powerful thoughts that Bishop Scott layed out to us in our NPN Newsletter. He asked that we would respond with our thoughts concerning these questions. As the blog writer this week i will give my thoughts and ask that each of you do the same through the comments.

1. What are the causes of church growth?
  • I fully agree with Bishop that one of the causes of church growth/health is the love that is displayed by the congregation & it's leaders. I feel this is a must. Many times I think the love that we proclaim to have is not as powerful as it should be. Sometimes we choose who we will love. Even though we say we love everybody regardless of who they are if we are not careful we guide our love to those who are more like us. We must love every person even though they might not be like us or been on this journey as a Christ follower as long as we have. There must be UNCONDITIONAL LOVE given to all who come into our churches.

2. What are the barriers to church growth?

  • I feel one of the greatest barriers to church growth/health is our lack of discipleship training. As people come into this salvation experience, i believe many times we lack the discipleship that must come from the church. When we truly disciple them they will learn the process of going out and brining others into the same knowledge. They move from being spoon fed babies into fully devoted followers of Christ and therefore church will not be about them but about bringing others into the Kingdom.

3. What are the factors that can make the Christian faith a movement among some cultures and populations?

  • Wow, i love what Bishop Scott said, Contagious Faith. If people are excited about their life change then give them the opportunity to share it. The shift Bishop was speaking of that it seems we are trying to keep people saved comes back to the previous question. We have not discipled them to the point to realize that should not be waiting to be spoon fed. They should be fully mature in their faith. The question goes back to what Bishop asked, "Where is our Passion to win the lost"??

4. What principles of church growth are reproducible?

  • Holy Spirit moments are undeniably what is required for church growth. Are they reproducible?? The passion for Holy Spirit moments can without a doubt be reproduced. Where many people miss it is when they try to ONLY reproduce what other churches have done thinking that this will bring church growth/health and the fact is, It will not Happen. We must seek God for the Holy SPirit to work on our behalf in our situation and allow HIm to build the house.

Powerful words and challenge from Bishop Scott. Thank you for asking the tough questions and bringing to our thoughts what we need to do to cause Church Growth/Health. Without a doubt when people are excited about their life change and it is shared with others you CANNOT stop it being spread like wildfire.

My prayer is that this wildfire that is ignited by people lives being totally transformed by Christ, will spread through every church in the PCG and through every leader. I pray that it will burn out of control and that the wind of the Holy Spirit will cause it to burn that much hotter & spread soooo fast that NO ONE will be able to contain it.

McGavran devoted his life to the study of these four basic concepts


  1. Certainly some powerfuly thoughts! Eddie, I agree with all of your insights. Love, Discipleship, Contagious Faith, and Holy Spirit Moments are critical for church health. I also would add my three favorites--present directional vision, leadership development, and laity mobilization. A healthy church must have a healthy strain of spiritual dna.

  2. I will add 4 statements that are the heartbeat of my church right now. We must go beneath the surface of these statements to see their full value in this discussion.

    1) Living Intentional
    Growth is intentional. We don't stumble onto it, we expect it because we created a cutlure that allows it to happen God's way.

    2) Passionate Worship.
    Doing what we do with an undeniable passion that is not concerned at the reaction of the crowd but the demonstration shown it.

    3) Unconditional love
    We can say it but you have to work hard to create it. When you do people will come in that make the religious uneasy and cause some to leave. Radical love is unconditional and does not expect change and then join us but rather join us and expect change!

    4) Generous giving
    Not what fits into our budget, but what does the need demand!

    These are great questions for which I do not have great answers, I think you all did great. These are just a few of my thoughts!

    I can't help but think if we did these 4 things our churches couldn't help but grow.
