Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hooking Up With The Man of God

Who have you "hooked up" with as a covering for your ministry? I believe all of us know the value of a covering and someone who will hold us accountable.

This morning I slept in! It felt so good! I started watching some Christian programs and came across a well known preacher who had a public failure in his life many years ago. As I watched, I was thrilled to hear the message he was sharing. But, just like a human, I had this thought in the back of my mind... "ummm...wonder if he's walking in victory today?"

I guess the reason I thought that is because he didn't submit to a restoration process through those he claimed to be "hooked up" with. Although his calling and gifting's are evident and cannot be repented of, it just seems to me that if he had allowed the process by which he said he was submitted to - to WORK, then more than likely his audience would have a greater degree of trust in him today.

It's great that he's preaching...but who's listening? I don't want to ever be in that situation. Guys, we must stay "hooked up" with the man of God in our life.

Saul met Samuel in the city while en route to find his father's donkeys. Samuel had him spend the night with him before he left his side. On his way out of the city, Samuel told Saul "stand still awhile, while I show you the word of God." Literally, Samuel had made provisions for this future king - even when Saul knew nothing of his coming promotion. As long as Saul stay connected through obedience - he kept his covering.

However, he lost his covering when he walked in disobedience.

Who are you hooked up with?
Who's your daddy?



  1. Russell,
    so appreicate your thought's. However, let me if I may throw this question out there as well. How many of our pastor's are willing to be that father or daddy if you will. I have been in ministry since the age of 17 and found that very few want to connect with you in that way, they really just want you to take care of things for them and help make thir ministry successful.

    I can only pray the men and women who come ffrom my ministry can't say the same thing about me.

    thoughts anyone?

  2. Todd,
    I have seen two sides to this. One is a "selfishness" in ministry - where it's all about "me" building my ministry and using people at whatever expense to make that happen. Then there is the "not knowing" how to father. Fathers who were never given the example of how to raise up spiritual sons for "kingdom sake".

  3. Love this topic. I have more questions than answers. May I add a thought or two. First, I've discovered that every relationship needs to be defined. I have experienced these defining moments with my "Papa" and with my "Sons" and "Daughters". I have a "Spiritual Papa" and a "Ministry Papa" as well as "Spiritual Sons (and Daughters)" and "Ministry Sons (and Daughters)". Some are in our fellowship, and some are not.

    Whatever we see in the natural can be paralleled to the spiritual. Just as sons are not always transparent with their parents through their tough teenage years, we can also struggle with such transparency in our spiritual and ministry adolescent & teenage years.

    As spiritual and ministry parents, we may also walk through those "terrible two's" or "tough teen" years with our spiritual and ministry kids.

    Spiritual mentoring doesn't guarantee a child's character anymore than good parenting gives the guarantee that our children will choose the right path for their lives. Yes, we have promises; but our children also have a free will. However, the chances of failure, rebellion, or worse are probably lessened when healthy father/son relationships are built. One thing is for certain: He is turning the hearts of the fathers to chilren & vice versa! I'm excited about that!

  4. Russell,
    appreciate your feedback. This subject has been one that I recently have been challenged with. As a kid I rejected the very structure I now crave. Someone to pour into my life, instruct, me, challenge me, correct me etc. I have had a few pastors and only one mentored me (Pastor Naten) who I still talk to and call my spiritual father. I have fund so few willing to invest the time. One excuse is "why raise em up when they are only going to leave me". WOW! Is n't that the point. Anyway, thank God for those of you in leadership who see this and are practicing it. You obviously received it and are now modeling it. May God give us more models so we can learn how it should be done!
