Friday, March 6, 2009

Great Intentions without Action is only a DREAM!!

Acts 2:17….old men shall dream dreams and young men shall see visions.

Which one are you?? Ha

Many people discover their dreams in a flash only after working in an area for years. Some receive it in a time of prayer while others are motivated by an event of their past. As we seek out our dreams in ministry and list our priorities at clc, follow these simple steps to move us forward to our dreams.

· Believe in your ability to succeed. You must believe that you can succeed if you are going to succeed.

· Get rid of the pride. People full of themselves usually don’t have much room left for life-changing dreams.

· Cultivate constructive discontent. Discontent is the driving force that makes people search for their dreams. Complacency never brings success.

· Escape from habit. Don’t accept what is, without considering, what could be.

· Balance creativity with Character. When it comes to dreams, truly successful people have enough creativity to think it out and enough character to try it out.

If we are going to accomplish much for the Kingdom of God it has to move beyond intention and become ACTION. Do you have an action plan?? Have you intended on doing something for a long time?? Maybe it is time you get up off your can and do it. If not then it will never get done!!

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