Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"One Thing"

What is the "ONE THING" about your church that...

1) you would not touch or change because it is that good. In fact, others could learn from your church?

2) that you would change right now if you could? In fact, you are looking for answers or suggestions.

3) What is keeping you from doing that "ONE THING"?


  1. Wow, this really makes you think. It shines light where we might not want to look.

    1) For us it would be our First Impressions team. Parking attendants & our lobby team. We create lots of energy and feeling of being at home when new people arrive.

    2) Connection points. Our biggest struggle is getting people to STICK. We have lots of guest and people accept Christ, so i guess it comes down to discipleship. We can do lots better at this.

    3) Finances for sure. We are top heavy in our facility debt load which chokes finances to expand ministry.

    Keep us thinking, Todd

  2. Todd Thank You again for a probing question. If I were to be brutally honest I'm not sure if there is one thing I wouldn't change (unfortunately), and the one thing I would change right now would be teaching leaders about leadership and being an example.

  3. Todd Thank you for this piercing question. The more I thought about the first question, I realized that our church is always there for a family in crisis. If someone is in the hospital or death of family member the church steps up and ministers to them. They show compassion and love during trying times, and that is a wonderful thing
