Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Do You Plan To Slow Down?

As a youth pastor in the early 90's, I dreaded those numbers-deflating summer months! It seemed we lost about two thirds of the group. I was a "numbers guy". When the numbers were up, I was up too; but when they were down, I spiraled into frustration and self-examination.

After a few years of agony, I finally decided to pray about my situation. Asking the Lord for purpose during those lonely months of ministry, He revealed a truth that has helped me beyond youth ministry.

There was always great purpose in the Fall season of ministry. Kids were back from the summer break. They were thinking of school, learning, discipline, structure, schedules, sports, and more. It was a great opportunity for a youth pastor to capatalize on the season - and I did! I called it "The Season of Discipleship". My messages and calendaring complimented the season. I preached about "Lordship", "Commitment", "Servanthood", and the like.

There was also great purpose in the Winter/Spring Season of youth ministry. Those were the months of great growth, and I called it "The Season of Evangelism". I learned that from January to May, I could motivate the youth to bring friends to youth. I preached messages about salvation and the need for evangelism. We did major outreach events like the "Gym Jam", where it was not uncommon for 30-50 teens to receive Christ each month. Teens were saved by the dozens every year (I think it is safe to say that they were saved into the hundreds).

I just couldn't find purpose for those dreadful summer months until the year I finally prayed about them. God revealed to me that the summer months had purpose. He gave those months definition for me. I would see them differently from that moment on. I actually looked forward to the summer months the very next year. I called it (rather, the Lord defined it as) "The Season of Fellowship". Who cared that I only had 35-40 kids in those summer months - they were still important kids to God! I decided to give those kids the summer of their lives. We went to water parks, theme parks, camp-outs, bowling days, golf days, swim days, and so much more. We had water-wars, B-B-Q's, game days (Oakland A's and SF Giants baseball), and they enjoyed every moment of their summer. I built relationships in those summer seasons that continue to this very day. A leader can let his/her hair down at a fellowship event. Followers get to see their leader on a lighter note; and it was often in that season when a teenager and his/her parents gave me permission to lead them.

During "The Season of Fellowship", my messages were about family, friends, and relationships (always leading them to their relationship with God). They grew together as a group; and in many cases, leaders in the youth group emerged during those months.

Today, I'm looking forward to the next season. I'll prepare for the Fall. I'll prepare for the Winter. I can't wait for "The Season of Discipleship" and "The Season of Evangelism". Each year for the past three years, we've baptized more than 150 people. We're very intentional about each season. My team is already gearing up for the seasons. But, we're ready for this new season: "The Season of Fellowship". Retreats, campouts, game days - they're already planned! While people are resting, we rest! While people are playing, we play! While people are hanging out with one another, so are we! When they're slowing down, we don't feel guilty if we slow the pace either. Let me ask you today: What are your plans to enjoy this new season? Do you feel guilty when you rest? Do you get frustrated when your people are camping out, on a bike ride, visiting family, or vacationing? What are you planning to do with them this summer?


  1. Jeff, love the "seasons" and I can totally identify with your flow. Thank you by the way for sharing! Well, I'm definitely in the fellowship mode myself. LOL - golf anyone?

    We're planning several fellowship events this summer that cross the gender/age defined groups into larger corporate times.

    Fun, Fun, Fun - I love the summer months and although I had to learn to climb over the disapointment of the summer number crunch - it's been a great learn!

    Honestly, we've just come through 17 weeks of renovation work and we've cleared our schedules, the team is laying low and we're ready for some R&R ourselves.

    Since we host the INDY 500 and we're only a few blocks from the track - our city becomes a traffic nightmare on race day. So, we moved our services to Saturday morning this past weekend and encouraged everyone to have a blast over the long weekend.

    Beverly, Kaitlyn & I went out of town for some quality time. We took a train trip to Chicago and caught the broadway musical "Mary Poppins." It was a blast and of course Chicago is awesome!

    Slowing down sure does feel good!

    When are you having me over for a barbeque?

  2. Just left a friend's home for left-over smoked brisket & ribs (that was after lunch at a church members diner). Ouch!!! You come to Cali, and I'll provide the BBQ!
