Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Is Over, Now What?

Now that we have celebrated the victories wrought through much prayer, preparation and outreach during this Easter season the question must be asked, "where do we go from here?"

The fact of the matter is the real hard work begins. I have never found it difficult to get a crowd. I have found it hard to keep the crowd. I know, I can hear you all saying "don't we all?"

I think much of this can be attributed to the fact that many churches have no follow up, no plan and no desire to get truly involved. Ministry has truly begun for us. How do we get the 48 that made decisions for Christ to get involved, connected etc. Do we even have much to offer for them to get involved or connected?

Truth be told many churches try putting on a show that they can never follow up with. It is like feeding someone steak the first time you feed them and then offering frozen dinners every time after. Sooner than later they realize you can't give them what they need or deserve and they find it elsewhere.

If you had people make decisions for Christ then you have given birth to babies who must be taken care of or you have abandoned your highest responsibility

We not only have new souls to follow up on but the dozens of families who have expressed interest in connecting with us. The future is bright becasue we have a plan. It did not end on Easter Sunday, it began that day and now that I am rested, it's time to see just how successful we can really be!

What is your plan?

1 comment:

  1. Now the challenge begins. Discipleship, Discipleship, Discipleship. Today my day has been spent following up on all these that made decisions on Sunday. We follow up with a hand written card, an email then on Sunday we gave them all bibles. We also offer baptism and a fundamental small group for new believers that begins next Sunday evening.

    Getting them there is easy, Getting them to the altar is difficult, Getting them discipled is the real challenge.

    This is the area that i feel the PCG has missed it. This is the most important part of bringing people to Christ. What is the next steps for them?? It is our responsibility to tell them. without a doubt the stripper that accepted Christ at clc this week went back to work this week, but how to disciple her to realize that a change must be made is the most difficult.

    For most of us we say well she should just know, but i am talking about people who don't even own bibles and have never been to church at all except for a wedding or funeral. We must be prepared to disciple these people with the message of Christ.

    NOW WHAT?? I love it Todd because it is in our face about doing the hard work. For our clc team we not only talked about the big event day but we also talked about the importance of the days to follow and NOW WHAT!! Keep bringing the heat and challenge to us my friend. I like it.
