Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Don't Freak Out

Now for those of you that have planned and prepared for people to come, Don't Freak OUT!! what i am saying is this, if you prepared and are ready, there will be people you did not expect. Don't Freak OUT, when they don't look like us, act like us and smell like us. They might be there out of obligation but our responsibility is to maek them feel like someone cares about them.

Remember this is what church is all about, bringing people in that don't know Him. You know we are celebrating the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for these people. So, DON"T FREAK OUT because they are different from you.

i will go back to my original question yesterday, What are you doing about it?? You might say well i don't want to do anything out of the ordinary to try to get them to our church or i don't want to do anything that might be offensive to our charter members or something that might tick off the deacon board. I say tick them off and make them uncomfortable. The problem in the church today is that we have allowed the Christians to get comfortable sitting in our churches seeeeeeeking more of God, when all the time they should be OUT SHARING God with our communities. I don't really give a rat's if it makes the Christians uncomfortable.

Right now God has honored clc by giving us some of these Different people that are attending our church. We have 4 couples living together, 2 homosexuals and a dancer at a Strip Club attending. As a matter of fact the dancer's boyfriend accepted Christ 3 weeks ago, they are living together and they attended our Marriage Intensives last night. We preach the message strong continually believing that those far from God will accept Him. As a matter of fact the Strip Club dancer that attended the Marriage Intensive with her boyfriend, heard teaching and a message on how Pornography can destroy our marriages. She has not accepted Christ, but told Karen my wife, she would be back next week to hear more. They don't look like me or act like me but they do feel welcome and accepted because we DON"T FREAK OUT even though they are different.

Do something different and out of the norm on Easter to reach your community. I have attached a video clip you need to check out. It is a news clip from Fox 2 News in St. Louis. They are interviewing one of the church plants in our District about their message title for this weekend's message, "Easter in the Octagon". Spirit of St. Louis Church, Pastor Tom Skiles is speaking a message centered on UFC, Jesus was the Ultimate FIghter. Because of the title and controversy in the "Church" community, they have got news coverage and lots of other coverage. DON"T FREAK OUT because they are using Ultimate Fighting as a basis to bring people to Christ.

Ck it out: http://www.fox2now.com/video/?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=3627840

Don't Freak OUT, but do something to attract the UnConvinced to Christ. Quit trying the keep the Saved, go after the Lost. Jesus left the 99 to go find the 1.

1 comment:

  1. Love the clip and love the concept.
    With more vision and creative concepts like that we would see churches of hundreds not churches of 50 -100

    Thanks Eddie, Cannot wait to hear the reports!
