3) DO I FULLY UNDERSTAND HOW BIG MY GOD IS? The answer is simple...YES & NO! I know He is big but my actions and vocabulary sometimes contradict what I claim to know. I know some of you "Men of faith & power" never experience that but I have. I know God is capable of doing anything but is not always able because of me. I am reminded of the words of Matthew 13:58 "Now He could not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief". I would hate to think that many in my city would miss out on the miracles of God because of my lack of understanding of how BIG God really is! "Lord I believe, help my unbelief".
4) AM I SURROUNDING MYELF WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE? It is amazing what a little time spent with the right people can do for your life. In Acts 4:13 "they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus". Unschooled or the King James calls them ignorant which is Greek (ID-EE-O-TACE) where we get the word IDIOT. Amazing how a little time with the right people can take you from being an idiot to a world changer. (special thanks to Pastor Naten, Pastor "papa T" Marden, Pastor Chuck & Dan Kruse, Pastor Skiles, Bishop Lake, Bishop Ming & every other man who took a moment to speak into my life!)
5) AM I GIVING IT MY BEST? Eccl 9:10 says "whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might". There are so many areas to hit here concerning our church, our personal time, our studies, our effort etc so let me just say this. I cannot be perfect in ANY area but I can give my best in EVERY area. I cannot stand "CHEESY" ministry when we are capable of so much more. I despise myself for lackluster effort in certain areas of my life regardless of what area it is. We may not have lot's of time, money, resources as others may have but it is no excuse not to give our best effort and work at getting better. This also carries over to our peronal life. Sometimes we give so much attention to ministry that we neglect personal things like home, family etc., and when our peronal life/health is a mess people tend not to pay attention to the other.
What are your thoughts? I appreciate the feedback!
I love it. The gut guy is great. Taking risk is a scary thing. We have to be at the point to be totally confident that what God called us to and that we are to realize that without Him we CANNOT accomplish anything. There is more than one time that God has had to get in my grill with this exact thing. Eddie can't figure it out and sometimes i try to when God says just do what i ask you to do and trust me for the rest. Think back to Exodus 14 with me when God told Moses to be the Pastor/Leader of 3 million people. God said, Don't worry about the detours in your way just do what I told you and I will take care of the rest. Da, why do we not get it. He can part the sea when we just do what He said and leave the rest to Him. At clc we call ourselves Risk Takers & Faith Leapers!!