Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post-Election Inquiry

How are you doing after the results of the election? Excited...depressed...apathetic?


  1. I'm doing well. I realize that the country was crying out for change. I can't speak much about economics, war strategies or government do's and don'ts...but I can speak about morality. I still believe that God's Word must be our standard - not cultural views. I still believe that same sex marriage is wrong as well as abortion. I will pray for my leader because that's what I know to do. I will be positive and loyal. However, I do believe that this election has showed that North Americans prefer economics over morality. With that being said we are living in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. God puts in office who He desires. He takes out of office who He desires. As a church we are not to dictate political views but rather Biblical views. As a pastor of a true multi-cultural church we must use the Bible as our guide...not color of skin. I don't care what color a person is...I care about the moral fiber and their commitment to Godly principles. The flood gates are open and we are in the end of the end and the last of the last. God is good and He has a master plan. I'm going to keep on preaching the truth and loving people into the Kingdom.

  2. On my way to our church softball game I prayed to God that "as it appears Obama will be elected, help me to respond in such a way that would glorify and honor the kingdom". When word came at the game that Obama was in I immediately had a peace knowing God was in control and His plan was on schedule. I also was challenged to pray for Obama and teach my church how to respond to this election regardless of whether or not we agreed with the outcome. This election just proved again how fragmented the church body really is. If we as the church can't get past color, how can we expect others to do so. The church was very divided in this election and now we must again come together and in humble surrender say "not my will, but thine be done". I am encouraged because I am and will continue to be on the winning side called truth!

  3. I felt alarmed, but I realized that God is in control. There were some positive things that happened and instances where conservatism was put on the ballot and passed. Ballot initiatives to protect marriage between one man and one woman in California, Arizona, and Florida passed. We just need to pray for our leaders.
