Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Keep Running The Race

I posted a blog on here not long ago about the fact that I was losing weight by eating healthy and a steady diet of excercise including softball once a week, basketball twice a week and started running a few times a week. Since that post I have now lost about 35-37 lbs depending on the time of day I weigh and have dropped from a 48" waist & 3xl shirt to 40" waist and xl/xxl shirts. I share this because I feel great and have now increased my running dramatically, atleast for me.

You see, I have never liked running..no not at all. However, recently I started running and now run quite a bit. About 4-5 miles now when I do. I remember when I first started running I got my running shoes on, my athetic shorts, muscle shirt and even my ipod with my running music (i'd tell you what it was but you'd think I backslid if I did). Anyway, I looked like I could run but when I first got started I didn't even make it to the corner of my street before I had to stop due to severe oxygen shortage. Today I run several miles before I feel too much and have even learned to enjoy it. One thing I learned was that when I reached that point of saying to myself "ok, slow down, you've gone far enough" because it hurts a little, that is the time I need to press on a little further. You see I have goals of how long, how far etc I will go before I will slow down and catch my breath. Everytime I reach the goal I have set I bear down and push on a little further. What I am doing is increasing my endurance levels. Pushing myself further helps make it easier down the road to reach those distances and goals I am pursuing. People ask me all the time "what is your desired weight"? It made me think of and I actually recently preached to my church Hebrews 12:1,2. The part I want to focus on is the end of verse 1 "and run with ENDURANCE the race that is set before you".

ENDURE = to suffer patiently without yielding. to carry on through despite hardship

When we have laid aside the weight (that which hinders us) and the sin (that which disqualifies us) and find ourselves facing adversity of anykind, we MUST NOT YIELD & MUST CARRY ON THROUGH. How? Looking unto Jesus (the author, perfecter and rewarder of our faith)

KEY (vs 2): who for the JOY that was set before Him (which was the end result)

Endured the cross, disregarded the shame and is now at the right hand of God. Note "who for the JOY that was set before Him. When you lose sight of the why, what and who for you will find it easier to give in. Once you give in it becomes easier and easier until it becomes your character.

In my early years my character was to quit when it got hard, uncomfortable, short of breath. Now I am learning how to change that character by pressing on through despite the difficulty and in doing so am building endurance and finding out that I can do more and go further than I ever realized.

I am not all I want to be but I certainly am not what I used to be either. Same goes for my ministry. I have not accomplished all I want or that God has put within me but I am convinced more than ever that I have the endurance to get there and that is something that I continually keep in front of me!

So, are you still running or what?

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