Saturday, July 4, 2009

We are MOVING!!

As per General Convention this week, the General Council will be processing the feasibility of moving the General Headquarters & Messenger College to a metropolitan city, Dallas, Oklahoma City or Tulsa.

My thoughts about the move;
I think it is a good move to be in a metropolitan area for travel purposes. I also like the fact that we will be able to be debt-free and funds will be released to see investment in growing the Kingdom of God. I also think it gives the PCG an opportunity to get a new face for the organization. Without a doubt, some will not understand the move but i support the Vision and trust their leadership.

What are your thoughts about this move?


  1. If for no other reason, to be closer to an International Airport would be reason enough for me.

  2. I love that we will be able to eliminate the massive debt that has crippled us for the past several years.

  3. The move makes sense for several reasons, some of which were already mentioned. Let's not forget the college. For over 20 years MC has struggled to build a viable student base. I believe it is due, in part, to employment opportunities for students. I may be wrong on this, but a larger city would afford more opportunities for student employment. Plus, Joplin already has a solid Christian college in Ozark. Granted, the college has to reinvent itself for the 21st century, but location could help tremendously.
