Tuesday, January 6, 2009

church planting evangelism

Never before has the climate for evangelism and church planting been riper for America! We are the world's third-largest unreached nation with over 195 million unreached people. There is a tremendous spiritual vacuum created by three generations influenced by secular humanism. But people are searching for meaning, security and significance. New churches are timely, relevant and connect easily with their communities. Now is the time to plant more and better churches! Now is the time for existing churches to multiply and reap the harvest fields around them. Historically, church planting is proven to be the most effective form of evangelism.

87% of all converts in the past 5 years have received Christ in new church plants.

What are you doing to plant churches?? Do you have plans to mother a church from your church?? Do you have plans to launch another Venue of your church in your area or neighboring city??? Our goal is in 2009 to launch a Christian Life Center Video Venue in the Fort Leonard Wood area. We as PCG creative innovators must lead the charge on infusing our communities with church plants.

Everyday in America
approx. 600,000 people are homeless and 100,000 of those are children.
1 in 4 children go to be hungry every night
6 kids under age 20 commit suicide
218 kids under age 20 are arrested for violent crimes
1352 babies are born to teenage mothers
8493 kids are reported to be abused physically or sexually
Over 4000 babies are aborted
1 of every 2 marriages end in divorce
Every 2 minutes a woman is raped
Every minute 4000 people enter eternity without Christ

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