Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Open Door Gathering

Leadership meetings are vital in your church. However, those meetings, in order to be fruitful, must be purposeful. An organized effort of planning, strategy, evaluation and "where do we go from here" must be ironed out before the meeting comes to a close.

I systematically have entire leadership meetings and selective leadership meetings throughout the year - or as often as I can. "communicate, communicate, communicate & over communicate"

Recently, I tried a fresh approach to connecting with my leaders. Here's a sample email I sent them.

Greetings BFWC Leaders,

I will be hosting an open door gathering this eveing from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm for Ministry Coordinators in my office.

You are welcome to come by to say hello, ask a question, receive training or assistance for your ministry or just have a cup of coffee.


Pastor Hylton

I was delighted to have several leaders stop during those two hours. Some received training and some just wanted to share with me what was happening in their life.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Hey Pastor....Sunday's coming!!

I know it is not my week to post but I read this challenge on a blog by Perry Noble, Pastor of Newspring Church and it challenged me. Hopefully it will challenge you as well.

Hey pastor…

Sunday’s coming…
It will be here in less than 48 hours!!!
Are you ready?
This week will be someone’s first week in your church!
Your church is a powder keg WAITING to explode!!!
God wants to do things in your church that would absolutely blow you away if He were to download it all on you at once.
Sunday’s coming…
People will be in your church that are one heartbeat away from hell…
Will you share the GOSPEL?
Will you call for commitment?
Sunday’s coming…
You have been called, equipped and empowered by God to do what you do!
He knows where you are!
He knows what you are going through!
He has NOT forgotten you!!!
Have you BEGGED God to do something unexplainable and undeniable?
Have you allowed something to distract you this week?
Have you become obsessed with anything or anyone other than Jesus and the vision He has poured into you?
Sunday’s coming…
The next Billy Graham, Bill Hybels or Rick Warren COULD be sitting in your church this Sunday…heck, they MIGHT not even be saved yet…
There is UNLIMITED potential within the people in your church who know Christ.
People want hope!
People want to change!
People want to LIVE!
They need to hear YOU tell them about CHRIST!
Sunday’s coming…
Let’s put on our game faces…
This could be the last message that you ever get to preach…EVER!!!
SO…SAY IT, bring the HEAT!!!
Sunday is NOT a burden…it’s a gift…GO FOR IT!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Help us plan the 2011 General Convention

By Bishop Charles Scott
We would love your feedback on the following:
  1. Would you favor a conference forum with breakout sessions?

  2. What type of sessions would interest you?

  3. Would you prefer outside speakers for the main services?

  4. Would you prefer department led services per history?

  5. What are the most important areas for you in relation to general convention, i.e. what do you expect from the meeting?

  6. What would you most desire from general convention?

  7. What would you like to say about general convention?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Making Vision Stick

When you begin to think about the upcoming year, are you challenged with a renewed Vision from God??

Does it even matter to you as a leader??

Have you been seeking God to show you His direction for your ministry in 2010??

Do you have a plan to communicate that Vision to those that God has entrusted into your care??

Andy Stanley's book Making Vision Stickhas been a powerful resource for me over the past 3 years. I read it a couple of times a year and always find some things that I need to do better to make Vision Stick at Christian Life Center. The following is a summary of the first chapter of this book that makes Vision a reality.

Vision must have clarity, simplicity and must be catchy. This will make it easy to communicate effectively. If it’s clear from the beginning, it can simply answer people’s questions. Make it memorable/unforgettable and people will embrace it! Better to be incomplete and memorable than complete and forgettable. Don’t pass by the limited opportunities to share your vision to the “drive-by” audience. Remember the audience you have every Sunday do not sit around thinking about the Vision as we do on a daily basis, so make it simple.

Be willing to evaluate your vision so it always tells what is distinctive about your church/ministry. Then watch as your clear vision causes people to redirect their focus and resources.

I challenge you to pick up this resource for yourself and your team.
"Making Vision Stick" by Andy Stanley